Dear Reader,
Tonight I'm writing to you from Manchester, UK, where I'm having an intense conference week, surrounded by inspiring new research projects and great friends and colleagues...
My heart is however pulled in opposite directions, knowing that while I'm so far away from home our Schwedenhaus-Team is completing the work on our house structure. All I can do from here is to enjoy the pictures that Holger sends me daily and share a few of them with you.
But first, I still need to catch up with pictures from last here a brief update on Week 6 of the Hausaufbau.
In Week 6, all the raw electical system and water pipes were completed and the chimney arrived:
Thomas, Jörg, Günther and Mike also arrived as you already know (and here is how you know that the Schwedenhaus-Team is back at work!!)
And they immediately started closing the roof:
At the end of the week we could admire the roof in all its beauty :-) and all the last nitty-gritty revision works on the façade were also completed:
Some revisions required more patience than others...but at the end we were all satisfied and grateful of the end-result!! ;-) Hier nochmals vielen Dank für Euer Geduld...und Thomas, wenn du das liest, das Fenster sieht jetzt tiptop aus, thanks...
At the beginning of Week 7 then a huge step was achieved: the scaffolding was taken away, while our Team was working on closing all walls and preparing the porch... I haven't seen yet the house without scaffolding myself, but these pictures look for me simply stunning (...biases are possible of course ;-)) and I can't wait to see in person how the house looks and feels, for the first time without 'cage' around it!!!
Tonight I'm writing to you from Manchester, UK, where I'm having an intense conference week, surrounded by inspiring new research projects and great friends and colleagues...
My heart is however pulled in opposite directions, knowing that while I'm so far away from home our Schwedenhaus-Team is completing the work on our house structure. All I can do from here is to enjoy the pictures that Holger sends me daily and share a few of them with you.
But first, I still need to catch up with pictures from last here a brief update on Week 6 of the Hausaufbau.
In Week 6, all the raw electical system and water pipes were completed and the chimney arrived:
Thomas, Jörg, Günther and Mike also arrived as you already know (and here is how you know that the Schwedenhaus-Team is back at work!!)
And they immediately started closing the roof:
At the end of the week we could admire the roof in all its beauty :-) and all the last nitty-gritty revision works on the façade were also completed:
Some revisions required more patience than others...but at the end we were all satisfied and grateful of the end-result!! ;-) Hier nochmals vielen Dank für Euer Geduld...und Thomas, wenn du das liest, das Fenster sieht jetzt tiptop aus, thanks...
At the beginning of Week 7 then a huge step was achieved: the scaffolding was taken away, while our Team was working on closing all walls and preparing the porch... I haven't seen yet the house without scaffolding myself, but these pictures look for me simply stunning (...biases are possible of course ;-)) and I can't wait to see in person how the house looks and feels, for the first time without 'cage' around it!!!
Also the attic included rooflight was completed, walls were all closed, the porch was partially assembled and today our house door was installed!!!
So many changes, so many impressions...I'm happy I can share this with you dear reader, while I'm waiting to be back home and touch my home-door for the first time... :-)
For now, I wish you a good night of sleep. Dream well and take care,
a presto,